There's been a lot of talk of a third party, which values should we jettison, can social cons and fiscal cons live together in peace, etc. Which gave me an idea. If I will be making big decisions about new political parties and new agendas, if might behoove me to brush up on... well, everything related to history, politics and economics.
Of course, I don't have the time or, frankly, the inclination to sit down with multi-volume tomes on these topics. So the tentative plan is to look for popular works, YouTube videos, documentaries, pod-casts, etc that can enlighten without taunting me, unread, from the bookshelf like Basic Economics is doing right now. 786 pages. Maybe when the little one goes to kindergarten.
So, first up: The Forgotten Man, by Amity Shlaes, has been sitting, neglected, by my bed for a long time. I'm just a few chapters in and.... well, let's just say things are looking kind of familiar.