Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Joe Leiberman keeps reminding my why I left the Democrats

By that I mean that every time he speaks, like in his recent WSJ editorial, he reminds me of what I thought the Democrats were, back when I considered myself one. And then via Instapundit, I see that the arbiter of all things leftist thinks Lieberman is "corrossive to Democratic unity" and can't wait to rid the Democratic party of him.

And that is when I switched sides. When I realized that Joe Lieberman was the only person in the Joe Lieberman wing of the Democratic party. That the party base actively wants to get rid of him tells me I was right. He's waaaay in the minority over there.

Update: As if on cue, here comes Chairman of the DNC, Howard Dean, saying we cannot win in Iraq. Of course, it's all about Vietnam. Then he gets clever:
He said the Democrat proposal is not a 'withdrawal,' but rather a 'strategic redeployment' of U.S. forces.
Redeployment to where? Seems he didn't say. I thought Murtha was just confused when I heard him with Katie Couric this morning. For awhile, I thought Katie had him on the ropes, but now I suspect that his argument is so weak that Katie couldn't help but poke holes in it. He seems to be saying "There's lots of trouble in Iraq. We should move our boys out of the way, to a neighboring country. Then they could go back in if there were trouble." Umm, the kind of trouble you want to run from now, or some other kind of trouble that would be worth fighting.

But apparently this is Democratic foreign policy. Dean again:
And we need a force in the Middle East, not in Iraq but in a friendly neighboring country to fight (terrorist leader Musab) Zarqawi, who came to Iraq after this invasion.
So, it's all our fault that Zarqawi is in Iraq, so we need to move our troops out of Iraq...to fight Zarqawi.

And then they wonder why no one takes them seriously.

(Via Ace)

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