Monday, March 20, 2006

More Silly Educrats

Here's a story about a six-year-old girl who was given a two-day in-school detention for, well, nothing as far as I can tell. At recess, she collected a bunch of clover, rocks and dirt in a plastic bag and her teacher thought it was a bag of weed. Of course, it wasn't, but if she hadn't been given the detention, the teacher would have had to admit she was mistaken and we can't have that.

The worst part is that the kid probably learned this dirt collecting behavior at school. Last fall, Mia came home from preschool with a bag full of leaves and acorns she picked up on a "Nature Walk." I believe this is a fairly common project for little kids.

Update: It gets worse:

Police and school leaders in Sikeston say the case involving a 6-year-old girl and a bag of dirt needs to be taken seriously.

"If she would have been 14, we would have been arrested her and taken her to jail.” Sgt. Shirley Porter said.

Well, 14-year-olds don't typically collect sticks and dirt in plastic bags. Six-year-olds do. Do these people have no concept of context?

The reason she could have been arrested: "passing even a fake drug is illegal." So I can be busted for borrowing a cup of sugar from the neighbor, if someone else mistakes it for cocaine? That what they're saying. Hopefully, that's not what they mean.

Some more wisdom from Officer Porter: “Education starts at home. As parents they need to teach your child about drugs. Teach them about everyday things of life."

And if drugs aren't part of your everyday life?

Officer Porter on small children: "They are smarter than you think, we don't give them never as much credit as we need give them because they are really smart individuals."

Well, she may have a point here. They may very well be smarter than Officer Porter.

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