Wednesday, August 23, 2006

First Day of School

Mia started at her new Montessori preschool today. I was worried about the fit she might pitch on the first day. For the last two years, while she happily took the bus to the public school, she would cry and cry if I dropped her off. This year, there's no bus and I have to drop her off every day. Luckily, they had a new student open house yesterday, and she had so much fun she didn't want to leave and couldn't wait to go back. So this morning, when I left her in the hall, she was like "Yeah, bye. Whatever." I couldn't believe it. Not a single tear. Well, I might have teared up a little.

1 comment:

Bookworm said...

Congratulations! Montessori is a wonderful environment, something that is being reinforced in my mind as my kids, for the first time, make their way through public schools.