Tuesday, May 04, 2010

"United Amalgamated Union of Lone Wolves and Isolated Extremists"

To quote Mark Steyn. More:
Whenever something goofy happens — bomb in Times Square, mass shootings at a US military base, etc. — there seem to be two kinds of reactions:
a) Some people go, "Hmm. I wonder if this involves some guy with a name like Mohammed who has e-mails from Yemen."
b) Other people go, "Don't worry, there's no connection to terrorism, and anyway, even if there is, it's all very amateurish, and besides he's most likely an isolated extremist or lone wolf."
Unfortunately, everyone in category (b) seems to work for the government.
'Cause if I didn't laugh, I'd cry.

And Jonah Goldberg on liberals' no longer repressed hope that a "teabagger" whacks someone.

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