Sunday, May 01, 2011

Chalk Walk 2011

Chalk Walk is a street painting festival held as part of the Dogwood Arts Festival.  It takes place in Market Square and Krutch Park.  Anyone can apply for a patch of sidewalk on which to create a picture in chalk.  The weather this year was sunny and warm.  We really enjoyed watching the artists work, but keeping a three-year-old from stepping on the art was more challenging than I had anticipated. 

We arrived at 9:00 am, because my older daughter's school class was doing a group picture.  We had no trouble getting a parking space in one of the free garages by the square. However, when we left about 1:00, that same garage was swamped, with cars backed up into the street. 

Here are a few pictures of the artists at work.  


susanballou said...

Man! You guys are getting around! ;)

Heather said...

I know and I'm exhausted. I haven't even done a post about our trip to Dollywood yet. We're taking this weekend off.