Thursday, November 04, 2004

The Batman Effect

From Truth Laid Bear:
Batman is constantly trying to put the Joker out of business for good. But if you haven't noticed, he generally never quite manages. The Joker is never, ever truly vanquished; he'll always be back for more.

But when the Joker's on the loose again, you don't stop to think "Damn, Batman still hasn't managed to get rid of this guy, we better find somebody else." You don't say "get me Aquaman on the phone." You think about the only guy who actually does something about the Joker, even if it hasn't been a permanent solution: the only guy who's been able to do the clown some damage and set back his schemes a ways. You put up the damned Bat Signal and hope that Batman answers the call.

Bush is Batman to Bin Laden's Joker. And the American public isn't going to dump Batman just because he hasn't won the final battle with the Joker yet.
That's what I thought every time I heard Kerry chastising Bush for not catching Osama. At least Bush took the fight to Osama the best way he knew how. Maybe Kerry stands up to the bad guys, maybe he invites them to a summit. Who could tell?

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