Monday, November 29, 2004

How's Multiculturalism Doing in Europe?

Bill Dawson, an ex-pat American blogging from Vienna, notes that its worthwhile to keep up with events in the Netherlands, as that country attempts to deal with its Islamist problem following Van Gogh's murder. As one of the most liberal/tolerant countries in Europe it encapsulates the paradox of tolerance: At some point, a tolerant society must be intolerant of intolerance if it wants to stay tolerant. Hmmm.

Some Dutch blogs that are following the story:
Zacht Ei

Events in the Netherlands have stirred things up in Germany:

While Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has stepped-up a campaign calling on the country's big Muslim community to fit with the country's laws and its democratic principles, leading political figures in the nation have claimed that multiculturalism has failed in Germany...

[German Interior Minister Otto] Schily drew headlines earlier this year with a harsh warning to Islamic fundamentalists: "If you love death so much, then it can be yours."
Almost Rumsfeldesque. However, Germany is taking steps to better integrate its mainly Turkish Muslim immigrants:

Under this legislation all new immigrants will have to take 600 hours German language instruction plus a 30 hour course on German society. In addition, 50,000 immigrants already here will be eligible to take the courses each year.

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