Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Nearly Busted at the Target

Everyone has been sick around here, so I needed to restock the medicine cabinet. I got day and night cold stuff for the kid, day and night cold stuff for the grown-ups, my favorite decongestant (since they happened to have some and it is usually out-of-stock) and, since allergy season is coming up, I picked a box of Claratin. Apparently, that's too much cold stuff. In service to the War on Drugs, the cash register wouldn't ring up the last 2 boxes.

So the cashier helpfully offered to ring up the extra boxes in a separate transaction. Since that was less than five dollars, I paid cash. The college student behind me in line pointed out that paying cash was a wise move, as now there would be no record of all that cold medicine.

Hmmmm. I freely confess total ignorance of all things meth, but do I really have enough cold medicine to whip up a batch? If so, the plan to keep it out of the hands of criminals isn't working very well.

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