Thursday, March 17, 2005

Terri Schiavo

I happened across this succinct post on the Terri Schiavo case that sums up my feelings on it. A snippet (with links! What a labor saving device cut and paste is):
Basically, as a mother, the thought that a son-in-law, who cannot possibly love my child as I love my child, is calling the shots, with his new wife at his side, smells bad.

I'm also loath to see her death go forward because I distrust judges. I'd prefer to see a lot more medical and judicial review on this subject before letting a single judge call this shot.

For more perspectives, see this Andrew McCarthy article about how criminals get more due process than Terri has; and this Rev. Robert Johansen article about the shoddy care and testing Terri has received.
In what universe does a guy who has two kids with another women retain the exclusive right to make life and death decisions for the woman who is his wife in name only. I understand why he would move on, but he has moved on. It's ridiculous to continue to consider him Terri's husband, and therefore, her guardian.

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