Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Tell It To Lieberman

Must be seen to be believed. John Dean interviewed by Keith Olberman. Dean has a new book out claiming that nearly all "authoritarian personalities" are found among conservatives. There is so much wrong in this interview I don't even know where to start.

Conservatives need to gin up an enemy to inspire unity. Conservatives march in lock step with the leader. Conservatives are very aggressive in helping out their "authority figure". Nope, none of that would ring a bell with Lieberman (or more significantly, the citizens of North Korea, Cuba, China, Cambodia or the Soviet Union).

Also, I'm not sure how conservatives can be blindly following their leader and yet there be so many factions within conservativism that the movement can only be held together by hatred of an enemy.

And, by the way, Bush is intentionally provoking terrorism to supply the bogeyman he needs to do his dastardly deeds (didn't quite catch what those were supposed to be).

Wow. Just Wow.

Via The Real Ugly American.

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