Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Lieberman Derangement Syndrome

I suspect a new strain of BDS is a work. Apparently, anyone kissed by Bush also evokes the deranged fury of the far-left. You know they're peeved when they break out the giant paper mache puppets:

This obsession with a kiss on the cheek has to be diagnosable. Granted, I wasn't thrilled to see Bush walking hand-in-hand with Saudi Prince Abdullah, but I got over it without pharmaceutical assistance.

(Via this HuffPo post where you can check out a fine example of LDS, complete with commenter accusations of "dual loyalty")

Update: Lieberman is a JFK Democrat:

In addition to being a standard-bearer for the party's tradition of equal opportunity and upward mobility, Kennedy was a muscular internationalist who understood that force was sometimes necessary in order to protect the nation's freedom and security. [snip]

... if Lieberman is defeated, a disastrous message would be sent to the nation that centrist hawks are unwelcome in the Democratic Party.

"Message sent and received," said the former Democrat. (Via the Influence Peddler)

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