Thursday, December 02, 2004

Dennis Ross on Public Radio

Wow. I'm listening to an amazing radio interview on Up to Date with ambassador Dennis Ross, the chief Middle East peace negotiator for George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton. He's also got a new book out: The Missing Peace: The Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace.

This has got to be the most straight forward program on the Palestinian issue that I have ever heard from the MSM. Ross said (I paraphrase from memory) that the peace process would have succeeded if it hadn't have been for Arafat and it has a good chance now that he's gone (if we can get some cooperation from Egypt and the Saudis). Also, Hamas runs all those social welfare programs that make them so popular because Arafat wasn't interested boring stuff like actually running his "country". Condi is a good choice for Sec State because she has the full confidence of the president. Finally, he said the Israelis had no choice but to build the wall, what with Arafat not lifting a finger to stop suicide bombers from blowing themselves up on Israeli busses. (All sarcasm is mine, ambassador Ross was very professional.)

Somewhere in Kansas City, a CAIR member is writing a hostile letter to KCUR. (I just shot off my appreciative e-mail)

Transcript should be here by tomorrow.

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