Tuesday, December 14, 2004

UN has lost sight of mission

The original U.N. mission, to protect the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, has been hijacked and corrupted by nations that neither share the universal values of the U.N.'s Declaration of Human Rights nor have democratic intentions.
Who's hijacked the UN? As if you didn't know. And if you don't know, you should check out the article. It touches on a number of reasons why conservatives shake their heads and laugh when John Kerry uses the words "UN" and "legitimacy" in the same sentence. For example:
Reform of the human-rights commission, according to the secretary general's experts, requires not limiting the commission to states committed to democracy and human-rights protection, but expanding the membership from the current 53 to all 191 U.N. member states. Current members and human-rights enthusiasts like Cuba, China, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan will no doubt be delighted to be joined by friends in Iran and Burma.

Why would we think, even for an instant, that the UN would back the US in its desire to spread democracy when the majority of its member states are not democracies themselves?

I used to think the UN was a righteous organazation, protecting the innocent and bringing peace to the world. But I must admit that was back when I didn't know ONE SINGLE THING about it. I hope their PR guys get paid a lot. They've obviously earned it.

Update: More good press for the UN. Upon hearing the latest allegations of "rape, prostitution and pedophilia by U.N. peacekeepers from Pakistan, Uruguay, Morocco, Tunisia, South Africa and Nepal, Jim Geraghty wonders "how anybody can look the U.N. and not see a moral cesspool".

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