Monday, December 06, 2004

Kofi Must Go

Canada's National Post calls for Kofi Annan's resignation:
Even putting Iraq and the oil-for-food scandal aside, the case against Mr. Annan is damning... Two weeks ago, UN workers in New York City voted that they had lost faith in the Secretary-General's ability and that of his senior administrators.
Mr. Annan has also watched as the UN Human Rights Commission has degenerated into a laughingstock run by some of the worst human-rights abusers in the world. He has refused to stop the UN agency responsible for delivering humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees from assisting terrorists. And from Rwanda to Srebrenica, East Timor to Sudan, he has time and again permitted himself to be conned by tyrants and butchers while they have murdered hundreds of thousands of innocents.
Given all this, it is amazing to think that Mr. Annan was once thought to be a man who could help reform the United Nations.
It is possible that it's not Kofi's fault. Perhaps this "stunningly disfuncional" organization is so corrupt that no one could reform it.

(via Instapundit)

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