Friday, September 16, 2005

U.S out of U.S.

Okay, I think I've mostly avoided discussing Cindy Sheehan on this blog, on the grounds that it's impolite to point and stare as a grieving mother has a nervous breakdown. But I can't help but point this out. Sheehan has a post-Katrina screed up at Michael Moore's site that contains this deep thought:

I don't care if a human being is black, brown, white, yellow or pink. I don't care if a human being is Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, or pagan. I don't care what flag a person salutes: if a human being is hungry, then it is up to another human being to feed him/her. George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans and Iraq, and excuse his self from power. The only way America will become more secure is if we have a new administration that cares about Americans even if they don't fall into the top two percent of the wealthiest.

I thought the leftie line was: not enough government help, but Cindy's going off in the opposite direction. Actually, she's going off in all directions: We demand security, but we also demand you get rid of those scary men with those yucky guns. Makes a good chant though: U.S. out of U.S. I has to double-check to make sure Iowahawk didn't right this.

(Via a commenter at Ace of Spades. You didn't think I read Moore's blog, did you?)

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