Thursday, February 16, 2006


We recently got the results of all the testing the school did on Mia to determine her kindergarten placement. So I've been obsessing more about that and less about the VP's misadventures.

The results were what I expected: inconclusive. Tests indicate she's not autistic, but observers note several autistic behaviors so she might be. Well, thanks for clearing that up.

Her academic tests were also uneven. She blew away some of them, others... not so much. She has taught herself to read. Could be genius, could be Asperger's.

She's doing well enough that she doesn't qualify for much assistance and probably none after Kindergarten. That just doesn't make up for the stress of a big public school. Stress could bring out more autistic behaviors, if that's her problem. So, I'm still going to put her in Montessori (if possible. I just sent in an application today).

1 comment:

Laurajane said...

I have a daughter with Asperger's. Happy to e-mail with you about it if you have questions