Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Builders vs. Destroyers

According to The Skeptical Optimist, an optimist is "one who believes that humans, on net balance, are builders rather than destroyers." In support of that theory, he has produced The Best Debt Clock in the USA. Everyone knows that the the national debt is rising so fast the number has to be updated several times a second. But did you know (I didn't) that the GDP is rising at pretty much the same rate. Thus the debt-to-GDP ratio remains the same. Yes, we're spending fast, but we're creating fast, too.

That happy factoid was found via the Gates of Vienna. However, if your more inclined to the pessimistic view that humanity's periodic bouts of destructiveness eventually overwhelm what it has built, Gates of Vienna also has a post for you. Read all about how Islamists take the inventions of others and use them to destroy.

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