Thursday, September 23, 2004

Democrats for Bush

It seems many Democrats are downright infuriated by folks who claim to be "Democrats for Bush". Take, for example, the love sent to this guy at Democrats for Bush/Chenney 04 (scroll down 3 posts). Also note the whole Zell Miller thing. He went from being a popular southern governor to being a hateful, racist, funny farm escapee as soon as he addressed the Republican convention. I can understand that. I used to feel that way. If you're going to vote for a Republican, doesn't that make you a Republican? Now I'm not so sure.

A party isn't the Borg collective. There will be disagreements and fights over its future direction. The Howard Dean wing of the party is currently in the ascendancy. But just because Joe Liberman may be the only person in the Joe Liberman wing of the party right now, doesn't mean it will always be that way.

The moniker Democrat for Bush is just a way of pointing out that one is unhappy with the direction the party is going. Really unhappy. Unhappy enough to vote for Bush. I reserve the right to go back to the Democrats should they decide to get serious on national security.

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