Sunday, January 30, 2005

Iraqis Vote

The Iraqi elections are shaping up to be a big success. My only real concern was that devastating violence would make it impossible for the Iraqis to celebrate this historic day. Well, the polls are closed in Iraq and "only" 36 people have been killed by terrorists (so far). It's sounds callous, but I was really expecting a lot worse.

Here's an excellent point from Glenn Reynolds:
I'll observe, as James Taranto did last week, that high turnout among the Afrikaners wasn't seen as the test of the South African elections' legitimacy. Likewise, high turnout in pro-Ba'ath areas shouldn't be the test here.
Absolutely true, but expect the press to harp endlessly on it.

John Kerry is telling us not to be too excited about the election since there is no way Bush can do the things he needs to do to succeed in Iraq. What an A**. Everytime I see him, I thank God he's not president.

1 comment:

Scott Banks said...

Hiya Heather! You might want to checkout Human Events Online, and read the story entitled " Iraq Gives Ted Kennedy The Finger"

I've already posted commentary, and linked it on my blog!
On The Wire

P.S. Thanks for the link!