Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Protest Blogging

Check out the always fascinating protest/counter-protest blogging by Zombie. (Link is to a mirror site). Especially note the chanting by the Palestinian protesters:
One, three, five, seven, all our martyrs go to heaven!
Two, four, six, eight, we are martyrs, we can't wait!
Excuse me? This is in the United States, in Berkeley, CA for god's sake. These people are not just chanting support for suicide bombers, which would be bad enough, but saying they can't wait to become one themselves. Now my first instinct is to freak a little. "Terrorist wann-a-bees in the US. Eeeek." But on the other hand, it can't be that hard to "martyr" oneself, if one really wanted to. If these guys are so hot to get to heaven, what's keeping them? For most of these weenies, this is just some sort of twisted trash talking. Still, it's highly inappropriate given that most of these folks are probably guests of this country: student visa, resident aliens, etc. I would be OK with asking them to leave.
(via LGF)

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