Friday, May 27, 2005


Bill Spricht often translates interesting stuff from the German-language press. Today's new word: when news media is gleichgeschaltet, it tows the government line. Naturally, when Der Spiegel uses the term, it is referring to the U.S. media. Bill suggests they should be casting an eye closer to home. He kindly translates:

Not a single paper with a print-run of greater than 50,000 pleads the case for the No campaign. Are the big media of France, dictated by the President, forming an opinion dictatorship (Meinungsdiktatur) to push propaganda solely for the Yes campaign?
Ya think?

Update: Speaking of things German, Ray at Davids Medienkritik unloads on the the German Ambassador to the US. Good thing Europeans are so diplomatic, unlike that horrible John Bolton.

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