Thursday, June 09, 2005

The best interests of the child

As seen on ABC News:
Child welfare officials seized a 12-year-old cancer patient from her parents, saying they were blocking radiation treatment that doctors say she needs.
According to the article, the girl has already received chemo and her cancer is in remission. A judge will be ruling tomorrow on whether the state can require the treatment, so obviously she's not on death's doorstep. A life-or-death decision does not need to be made RIGHT NOW. But still, the state of Texas took custody of the girl, arrested the mother (on charges of interfering with child custody), and put her three brothers in foster care.

That last act is the tip-off that this has very little to do with the girl and everything to do with with someone's power jones. There is no charge of abuse or neglect. Unless the boys also have cancer, the state is using them to beat their parents into submission. Disgusting.

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