Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Europeans fascinated by the Klan

Interesting story on The World (KKK Verdict Interview). Apparently, Europeans can't get enough of this Killen story. Lisa Mullins interviews Norwegian reporter Gerhard Helskog for the European perspective. Given all he'd heard about the evil, racist American South (even from Americans), he was surprised to see black and white people eating together, black cops, etc. According to Helskog, Europeans think America is stuck in a 50's time warp and they only want stories that confirm that stereotype. A very interesting 6 minutes.

Update: Speaking of Europeans not wanting to be confused by the facts, David's Medienkritik links to this account of one journalist's bizarre encounter with a German diplomat who strongly rejects Amnesty International's comparison of Gitmo to the Gulag. Naturally, Gitmo is much worse.

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