Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Politics: The Kiss of Social Death

Portia Rediscovered is a little frustrated at usually being the only politically aware person in the room:
I was recently at another "gathering" when a slightly political topic came up among the group I was talking to. One of them made a remark that would work in a perfect world (and believe me, I wanted her suggestion to be a possibility), so I quickly spoke up saying, "Well the reason that would never happen is because their government is completely corrupt and could care less about the nation's inhabitants." Cue the blank, uncomfortable stares and cricket noises. Cue my frustrated silence at once again talking outside the realm of typical feminine topics. AGH!, again.
I've had this experience plenty of times, although being a Poli/Sci major in college alleviated the situation to a degree. Most of my classmates were, by definition, interested in politics. But my best friend joined a sorority and, if she deigned to invite me to one of her parties, would literally follow me around making sure I didn't talk about politics. Probably for the best. I just would have said a lot of things I'd be embarrassed by now:)

(via The Cottillion)

1 comment:

Bookworm said...

As a fairly lone conservative in one of the most liberal enclaves in America, I just keep my mouth shout -- and blog, blog, blog.