Sunday, January 29, 2006

I'm In The Mood For Cheese

A nice Danish Havarti perhaps. (via LGF)

According to the government of Denmark:

In the early 1970s, Denmark was totally dependent on imported fuel: 94% of the fuel consumption was oil. A mere 20 years later the country was a net exporter of oil and in 1997 the import of energy equalled its exports: Denmark had become self-sufficient in energy.

I wonder if that's why the Saudi's feel so free to target the Danes.

Update: Now Libya has withdrawn it's ambassador from Denmark. Saudia Arabia withdrew theirs last week. This article depicts the Danes patiently trying to explain freedom of speech, Danish law, etc to various Arab governments. Their efforts are wasted. It's not that these governments don't understand the concept of free speech. They just don't like it, and they're trying to bully Denmark into giving it up, too.

Google reveals that this isn't the first time Muslims have freaked out over a cartoon:

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