Monday, April 25, 2005

Do opportunistic stabbings hurt less?

Far be it from me to second guess a military judge (really, no sarcasm), but you have to admit this was a poor choice of words.

Hassan Akbar, convicted last week of premeditated murder and attempted premeditated murder, also attacked one of his guards recently. From the AP:
Akbar took a sharp item from an office where he was meeting with lawyers and attacked the M-P who was assigned to escort him to the men's room.
But the judge won't allow that information to be used in Akbar's sentencing hearing because it was only an "opportunistic stabbing."

I own several pairs of scissors. I have the "opportunity" to stab people every day. Sometimes, I even have the inclination. But somehow, I always manage to make it through the day without stabbing anyone. I guess I'm missing my opportunity to go to prison.

(Via Michelle Malkin)

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