Tuesday, April 12, 2005

How do working mothers handle this?

Mia is sick, again. I knew she would get a lot of colds when I sent her to preschool last August, and she did. But what about all these more serious, stay home for days kind of illnesses? Since January she's had influenza with accompanying ear infection, rhotovirus (7 full sick days) and now, another high fever. Sure, it's inconvienent that I can't run the errands I had planned, but what if I had a boss to report to? Mia has almost missed enough school to eat up the generous number of sick days I had at my last job. And it's only April.

Update: It was strep. The first round of antibiotics wasn't doing the trick, so we had to bump her up to something a little more powerful. That's a bit unnerving. But she's getting better and I'm getting a little more sleep, so maybe I'll be able to string a few coherent thoughts together in the near future.

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