Tuesday, April 19, 2005

So a Rabbi and a Nazi walk into a bar...

well, an airport actually:

A rabbi and a man wearing Nazi insignias were cited for disorderly conduct Sunday after an alleged fight at Kansas City International Airport.
You can't make this stuff up. I heard about this on the local news last night and wondered why someone would be wearing a swastika shirt at the airport. Little did I know that the National Socialist Movement was having its annual convention here. And guess who the speaker was:

The speaker whom Boswell took to the airport was Jacques Pluss, a former adjunct history professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey. The university dismissed Pluss last month for missing too many days of class, but Pluss — a member of the National Socialist Movement — said he was let go because university officials thought he was too politically incorrect.
I guess now that he's unemployed, he has more time to devote to "the movement".

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