Sunday, April 03, 2005

The Food Free Diet

I should have remained blissful in my ignorance. But no. I'd heard that some kids with developmental problems respond well to nutritional supplements. So, I took Mia off to a naturopath to find out if he could work any voodoo on her. Boy could he ever. We've got supplements out the wahzoo and a fun new diet that basically eliminates any food that a three-year-old might actually eat. Feingold, gluten-free, casein free, soy-free: essentially food free. So, for the past two weeks, I've been going blind reading the ingredients lists and straining my shoulder putting all those things we can't eat back up on the shelf.

I shouldn't complain though. Today, Mia said "I'm hungry." Doesn't sound like much, but she's never used "I" correctly before, let alone in a contraction. Could be a coincidence. Time will tell. If we don't starve first.

Update: Things are looking up. Talked to the doc today and tomatoes, grapes and jelly (staple foods around here) are back on our edible list. Alas pizza, mcdonalds and cinnamon rolls (also staple foods) are still verboten.

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