Tuesday, October 19, 2004

If you liked Kerry's comment about Mary Cheney,

then you'll love the response Frank J suggests for Bush:
"There are a lot of problems in America that need to be dealt with," Bush said, "Such as obesity, as seen with John Edwards’s fat cow wife. And there is the problem of mental illness, such as with Kerry's own wacked-out crazy wife. And we must stop those who may take advantage of the insane by marrying them for their billions."

"Finally, there is the problem of promiscuity," Bush continued, "as displayed by Kerry's own slut daughter - you know, the one you saw wearing that see-through dress to a film festival.
Just, you know, personalizing the issues by pointing out something everyone already knows anyway so what's the big deal.

Update from Jonah:

But what if George W. Bush had said "divorce is a difficult issue. On one hand we all think society is healthier when marriages are healthier. On the other hand, we understand that good and decent people sometimes have irreconcilable differences. I'm sure if you asked John Kerry's first wife, she would tell you that there are no easy answers..." Or if he had said, "I'm sure if you asked John Kerry's lovely daughters whether it was easy for them to cope with their parents' divorce..." Or what if Bush had said, "America is a land of great opportunity for immigrants. I'm sure John Kerry's second wife Teresa, who was born in Africa, would agree..."

Update from Verifrank:
Oh! One other thing - Mary Cheney is a Lesbian. I know cause Barney Frank and Jim McGreevy told me so. It's not that we didnt know, or that she didnt know, but we just thought you'd like to know, but only if it changes how you think of the Cheney family, if it changes how you feel about John Kerry, then you are clearly a bigot.

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