Friday, October 08, 2004

Presidential Debates II

Kerry just said the sanctions worked. Oh My God.
Now he's taking election advise from King Abdullah of Jordan.
"They've always wanted this to be an American effort" Well, God forbid.

Bush is much better than last week. He's talking about how the right decisions are often not popular in Europe. Still, he seems angry too often and a little hopped up.

Good answer on the draft from Bush. More effective and technically advanced equipment required fewer, but better trained people. Bush just stepped all over the moderator to defend the honor of Britain and Poland. I can't believe Kerry keeps dissing our allies. He must feel this works strategically. He's done it far too many times for it to be a mistake.

Good answer from Bush on why he's spending so much money. Recession, war, raising taxes during a recession leads to depression.

Kerry's answer on not raising taxes on the earning less than $200,000 was good. Bush is calling him a liar. He's probably right. But now Kerry implies no one in Missouri could make over $200,000. Hmmm.

Is Bush warming up? Good answer on the Supreme Court nomination question. Funny, likeable Bush peeked through. Too bad it is almost over.

Kerry worked Vietnam into the answer to the abortion question. Jeez. Abortion rights will help prevent aids?

I wish Bush would bring up the bribing of the French and the UN. Kindof hard to build that global coalition if you don't have 100 billion in oil contracts to to buy off the French, Germans and Russians.

Bad last question. Bush gets to talk about Bush's mistakes, then Kerry gets to talk about Bush's mistakes. Shouldn't Kerry have talked about Kerry's mistakes?

I don't know who "won", but watching these debates is making me more comfortable with my choice of Bush. Kerry is explaining his positions (or lack of positions) clearly. And, at least on foreign policy, I just disagree. He disses our real allies in favor of the French. He complains that we're providing all the troops, but he has got to know that France and Germany couldn't provide more than a token force if they wanted to. Of course, they have made it perfectly clear that they don't want to. Yet still he yammers on about bringing our "allies" back. And let's not even get into the whole "Where's Osama" thing?

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