Saturday, October 16, 2004

Kerry Thinks We're All Idiots,

the only question now: Is he right? Kerry himself is claiming Bush will bring back the draft if reelected. Isn't he supposed to leave that sort of sleazy fear-mongering to his underlings? It's especially lame considering there is only one candidate for president who has suggested mandatory national service. (Hint: It's not Bush)

The allegedly non-partisan Rock the Vote is sensationalizing the issue, but they do link to Alliance for Security, a site with a pretty good explanation of the issue. Unfortunately, the rest AFS is full a hysterical draft-baiting.

Update: Seems Kerry's campaign also thinks he should avoid the sleaze. They're backing off a bit:
Kerry's reference to the draft was a "gaffe" only insofar as the candidate himself wasn't supposed to mention it. The Democrats, playing as always on the fears of the ignorant, are promoting the draft hoax for all they are worth among unsophisticated voters. But because the idea is so ludicrous, they didn't intend for Kerry to make the claim himself, on the record. However, as so often happens with Kerry, the draft line just slipped out.

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