Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Multilateralism in Action

'If this isn't genocide, then what on earth is?' says Lord Alton in his report on the situation in Darfur. And while we patiently pursue resolution after resolution at the UN:

We joined a group of 17 women sitting in the shade of a tree, drinking coffee. Most were widows, and most had also lost fathers, brothers and sons. They need firewood for cooking and grass for their animals, and are thus forced to go beyond the camp. They had all, without exception, been the victims of attack and rape by the Janjaweed. Although they are clearly traumatised by the daily risks they run, they speak philosophically about it: "If our men go out, they die. If we go, we are raped. That's the choice."
70,000 are already dead with a million more herded into camps that are patrolled by the very Janjaweed militiamen that want to kill them. Isn't this a great opportunity for the EU to step in and, while the US is occupied with Iraq and presidential elections, prove that multilateralism means something more that moral indifference? Come on Europe! show us how you don't need that overbearing American leadership to be a force for good in the world. You know, like you did in Bosnia and Rawanda. Oh wait... well, third time's a charm right?

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