Friday, October 15, 2004

My letter to the Guardian

Dear Editor:

I see that your paper has a project to influence the vote in Clark Co, Ohio. I cannot imagine why you feel American voters would be swayed by your arrogant presumption. Since WWII Europeans have been acting as if there is something in the water over here that gives Americans prosperity and a strong military. You ignore the choices/sacrifices we have made regarding taxes, welfare benefits and military spending. Europeans have made different choices. If we allowed Europeans to vote in our elections then we would be just like Europe: weak and dependent on a power we disdain for our very security.

Sorry, but the American President is not President of the World. If your readers feel their needs aren't being met, they should start by writing letter to their own politicians, before concerning themselves with ours.


See Tim Blair for more on the topic and for where to send your letter.

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