Monday, October 18, 2004

NY State Lawmakers for Election Fraud

Via Jim Geraghty:
New York's Republican governor blames Democratic lawmakers for stalling reforms that could have stopped a reported 46,000 voters from being registered at the same time in New York City and Florida.

Congress passed the Help America Vote Act in 2002 to give states federal funding for election commissions, registration systems and vote- count regulation. Each state must adopt a version of the act with specific processes in order to receive the federal aid.
New York's Republican- controlled Senate and Democrat-controlled Assembly passed different versions of the act in February. A bipartisan committee was convened to write a final version of the act, but the committee has been unable to reach a consensus.

The state comptroller's office has $68 million waiting to be used for a centralized list that would identify voters registered in multiple states and counties. That money cannot be used until New York passes the reforms.
Geraghty comments: "Keep at it, small-minded politicians seeking to maximize voter fraud and double voting. Go ahead. See how much power any official has when nobody believes the results on Election Day."

Which reminds me that I never linked to this great Vodkapundit screed:

If Drudge has it right, then the Kerry-Edwards campaign is going to do its damnedest to turn our fine nation into a banana republic... Too many Democrats, especially at the national level, just don't care that our system, our nation is far more important than any single election.

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