Friday, October 08, 2004

Must Read

If you haven't seen this yet, you aren't reading enough blogs. But I just got around to reading Bill Whittle's essay on deterrence and you won't be sorry if you take the time to read it. It's hard to excerpt because its's all so good but here's one:
Terrorists don’t seem to be too afraid of stern language. But I do notice, that while the fear of death does not seem to deter these people, the fact of being dead does significantly decrease their operational effectiveness. That’s a casual observation on my part – no real Harvard study to back it up. More of a hunch, really.

and regarding the whole "Why aren't we looking for Osama?" line of bull:
The freaking invasion of a Muslim country by the Great Satan, and this new Caliph, the Leader of the Oppressed, cannot bring himself to shoot a crummy VHS in front of a white wall condemning this outrage? This glory-seeking egomaniac, the New Saladin riding the White Horse across the desert, who practically put out a 10 DVD commemorative set every time the US so much as hiccupped, is now suddenly silent, and has been for three years?

You may call that a Terror Mastermind. I call it a greasy wet spot on the wall of a cave in Afghanistan.

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